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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Event Feed

Love it or hate it, the new event feed is here to stay (for now at least). Personally, I am not thrilled about the existence of such a feed. Mainly because the feed destroys the purpose of being anonymous in higher level games. I understand that it is there to assure questioning/new/curious members that there are people winning higher level games, but it also gives away peoples Gold Rush strategies.

There has been numerous times in which I was able to figure out who I was playing by just keeping the feed open in a different window. Because there aren't as many players on the higher level games, it is easy to distinguish who you were playing and assume that you will be playing them again in the next game. After playing the same person a few times, you can adjust your strategy to work around your opponents strategy.

Sure, I found it interesting when I saw someone win $600+ in a Hi/Lo game, or when I see the amount of referral bonuses being handed out. But I do not think this feed is worth sacrificing my strategy that had been working just fine before.


Anonymous said...

Did you find it interesting when someone hit the $9000 spot on the wheel today too?

Mike said...

My gosh, I haven't signed on to Moola today and look what I missed. Yah, it's interesting. It's great to see that someone hit it, but now there is less likely for us to hit it for a while.