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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Improve Your Game

When I first started playing Moola, I used a pen and paper to track what cards were left in Hi/Lo or what Nuggets has been thrown in Gold Rush. After a couple of days, I realized that it is really a big waste of paper. Thus, my search began for a more efficient way of doing this task. After trying different sites, I finally found a few that I liked. Sure some people may consider it method of cheating, but there are two reasons why this it isn't.

1. Moola has no problem with us tracking these things
2. All these sites are doing is allowing players to make an informed decision.

So if it is not banned, why not use the tools out there. Below are a two sites I would recommend to any player.

Note: I am in no way affiliated with any of the sites mentioned below, except for the fact that I use to use them to improve my odds This is my personal favorite. Instead of having to switch between windows to update your tracker, this site puts a div overlay (a box) over the site. It is a very simple tracker and does not have the spiffy graphics. This site has a tracker for both Hi/Lo and Gold Rush. I used this for a month or so with no problems. Below is an image of what you will see if you were playing with This site uses flash to do all the tracking for you. If you have two or more monitors while playing Moola, this site is great. It is a lot fancier compared to, but works just as well. Below are the Gold Rush Cheat and Hi/Lo Card Counter tools available at

Bottle Caps: For those of you who do not trust other sites to do your dirty work. Someone on the forums once suggested using bottle caps when playing Gold Rush. You would need to mark each cap with a value for each nugget that your opponent, the mine and you have. Then each time a nugget is used, you can just push the bottle cap aside. Of course, you do not have to use a bottle cap. If you have 18 buttons, paperclips, rocks, or thing-ama-bobs, this method will work with them too.

Hope you found this somewhat usual. Now go out there and play!


Anonymous said...

Hey! You should consider placing a link on this article to your invitations. I have them on my site with my Moola Tools, and i get a few cents a day from other people using the moola search. I received 45 cents the other day from someone cashing out. Good luck.

JPetals said...

Great site! It looks very professional. I was looking for a tool using google to count my gold rush nuggets and came across your blog.

Good luck!!


Mike said...

Thanks for the comments jpetals. I hope you find more info that is useful on my site. Let me know if you find other things that I can share with my readers.

Gilbert said...
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Mike said...

Gilbert, I know you would like to promote your blog, but please do not spam my comments with your links.